Specific events
- Organisation of side event at the Mediterranean Forest Week MFW 2019
- Organisation of an international conference on : Sciences et technologies au service des patrimoines en méditerranée orientale », October 7 2019, USJ-FS and Groupes Interacadémiques pour le développement-GID
- Organization of an international conference on : international conference on Solid Waste Treatment and Valorization Techniques», June 18, 2019., USJ-FS
- Organization of the CEPF National Conservation Outcome Workshop , FS-USJ MAY 22nd 2017
- Organization of the workshop on Red Listing “Your contribution to the first Red List of the Lebanese flora ” in the framework of the project “Determination of Important Areas for Plants and Creation of Micro-Reserves to Conserve Rare or Endemic Species in Lebanon” funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund-FS,USJ-December 20th 2016
- Organisation of the final conference of the project” Conservation and valorization of the unique botanical heritage of Lebanon” funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund on July 27th
- Preparation for the final international conference of the BestmedGrape project entitled “New Business opportunities & Environmental suSTainability using MED GRAPE nanotechnological products” funded by the European Union-ENI CBC